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About Us
Hiro's has been in business since 1964. Hiro started his business after working for several other transmission shops, his last stop being McCauley's Transmission. As the business grew, Hiro moved the shop to it's present location in 1980. Our shop continues to grow with our reputation for good honest repairs. Hiro retired in 1994 and turned the business over to his son, Calvin. The shop continues to invest in the latest diagnostic equipment, in order to properly troubleshoot all the new technology out. We have developed a niche with a few areas, the vintage cars and the racers. Most shops won't even touch an older car because they don't want to bother with something they know nothing about. We have trained and read and have been passed down the knowledge from the older builders. We also serve the racing community by working with the drag racers, circle track racers and lately the drifters. But our main business is still fixing your daily driven vehicle and getting you back on the road in a timely matter.