Transmission Repair - Gardena CA


"This concerns a 2002 Ford Explorer purchased for another person on 12/6/11 from a Ford dealer in Alhambra, CA. At time of purchase Ford dealer was ask..."


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Honda Transmission Problems?

Are you having problems with your Honda transmission? Well, you've found the right place. Read on . . .


Honda makes one of the most reliable vehicles on the planet and is rated #1 in reliability in a Consumer Reports survey of its subscribers who own Hondas. Their stellar reputation is why we find our Honda customers are the most heartbroken of all when they are faced with transmission repairs.

Tell-tale signs like warning lights in the dash and/or a flashing D5 or D4 light in the shift indicator are usually the first visual clues. Operationally, slipping and hard shifts are the most common. Believe it or not, both of these operational issues can be electrical in nature.

Honda transmissions are completely computer controlled. Most computer controlled transmissions have sensors, switches, and solenoids that are inside the transmission and protected from the harsh road conditions of dirt, water, snow, salt, and ice. However, Honda has their electronics on the outside. That's the bad news.

The good news is Honda purposely designed it that way so that replacement of the electronics is easy. It requires little labor because you don't have to open up the transmission to replace the electronics like most transmissions.

We have been Honda experts since 1964. We see a lot of external electrical and/or computer problems cause Honda transmission malfunctions. Left unchecked, they can lead to an early transmission failure. Sadly, a lot of Honda transmissions are needlessly sold electrical issues by well-meaning shops who simply don't understand Honda transmissions like we do. Even the Honda dealers don't fix Honda transmissions ... they simply install a rebuilt one ... a rebuilt one that has new electronics.

Honda Van

No matter if you own a Honda Accord, Honda Odyssey, Honda Pilot, Honda Ridgeline, or the Honda Civic, we can diagnose the difference between a relatively minor electrical issue and a more serious one. We are Honda transmission specialists.

The first thing you want to do is to call us at (310) 329-7504 and schedule an appointment.